What Should I Know Before Proposing? The Do's and the Don'ts

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Proposing is a really unique and special moment for a lot of couples. It is the beginning of a future marriage, and of course the fun wedding planning. Although there really shouldn’t be much stress behind a proposal, it’s inevitable. To make it easier for you, we have come up with a list of a few DO’s and DONT’s before proposing. dolphinsDO...
  1. Make it a Surprise
Let’s be honest here- the majority of woman want to be surprised when it comes to their proposal, so make sure that the proposal is one that she will remember for the rest of her life.
  1. Talk to the Parents
Make sure you seek approval from the parents, especially her father, before asking the big question. For some women, this is a definite must, so make sure to do it when she isn’t there and a little before the proposal date.
  1. Pick a Memorable Location
By having the proposal in a memorable location, you both will be able to treasure the memory even more. You don’t need to go all out and fly her to Paris to propose on top of the Eiffel Tower, but definitely pick a spot that both of you will remember for the rest of your lives.
  1. Document the Moment
Have that secret photographer or even a videographer hiding in the distance, capturing every moment. This is becoming a very popular trend in the proposal world, especially so the couple can reminisce on the special moment in the future.
  1. Get Down on one Knee
This is a given, but it is a definite must in the proposal! With the thousands of thoughts that will most likely rushing through your head, you might get lost in the moment of actually getting down on one knee. So make sure that before any serious question is asked, you are down on that knee! DON’T…
  1. Forget the Ring
This is THE item to not forget during a proposal. Make sure to have it safely hidden so the surprise isn’t ruined.
  1. Propose on a Holiday or Birthday
Propose on a day that has meaning to your relationship. A holiday or a birthday is already celebrated immensely, so why not make a day just about her and the happy news.
  1. Leak the News
Since you will know exactly when the proposal will be happening, you will probably be sharing the news with a couple of people. Try to keep it all a secret, this way you can both surprise family and friends together.
  1. Have friends try on her Engagement Ring
You can consult her friends about what type of ring she might like, but let your future fiancée be the first one to see and wear the engagement ring.
  1. Hide the Ring in Food
While proposing with food always seems to be the romantic gesture in movies, it is definitely not ideal in real life. Things like ruining the ring, breaking it or even having her accidentally swallow it are all possible, so this way of proposing is definitely one that needs to be highly considered. So before you ask those four simple words to your future wife, make sure to review these Do’s and Don’ts to have the perfect proposal! If you have any proposal stories you would like to share, please email me at apastor@www.mervisdiamond.com. Learn How to Save Money When Choosing a Diamond »